Bermuda Triangle Mystery Reveals in 9 Theories

Bermuda Triangle

Introduction : -

Bermuda Triangle also Called Devil Triangle is one of the most Dangerous Place in World as it is said that once you Entered into its area you will never be able to return back. it is Place which contains a an amazing electronic magnetic power and leaves a huge wave of electronic magnetic pulses that if by chance any electronic device entered into its field it will automatically stops functioning and becomes a useless a piece of metal junk and time to time there Hurricanes (Tornado ) appears and it swallow's the last survivor in the sea. There are Some theories which declares that Why and How These Incident's Took Place. It is Not Clearly Stated that what is Behind this But there are some Theories and Fact which give meaning to all these Incident's.

Incident Took Place : -

Aircraft incidents

1945December 5, Flight 19 (five TBF Avengers) lost with 14 airmen, and later the same day PBM Mariner BuNo 59225 lost with 13 airmen while searching for Flight 19.

1947July 3, According to the Bermuda Triangle Legend a B-29 Superfortress was lost off Bermuda. Lawrence Kunsche investigated and found no reference to any such B-29 loss. In fact the aircraft loss was that of a Douglas C-54 which was lost in a storm off the Florida coast Ironically a B-29 was lost in the vicinity of Bermuda-on November 16, 1949 a B-29 was lost in the Atlantic; 2 crewmen were missing but on November 19, 1949 18 survivors were rescued 385 miles northeast of Bermuda

1948January 30, Avro Tudor G-AHNP Star Tiger lost with six crew and 25 passengers, en route from Santa Maria Airport in the Azores to Kindley Field, Bermuda.

1948December 28, Douglas DC-3 NC16002 lost with three crew and 36 passengers, en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami.

1949January 17, Avro Tudor G-AGRE Star Ariel lost with seven crew and 13 passengers, en route from Kindley Field, Bermuda, to Kingston Airport, Jamaica.

1956November 9, Martin Marlin lost ten crewmen taking off from Bermuda.

1962January 8, A USAF KB-50 51-0465 was lost over the Atlantic between the US East Coast and the Azores

1965June 9, A USAF C-119 Flying Boxcar of the 440th Troop Carrier Wing missing between Florida and Grand Turk Island The last call from the plane came from a point just north of Crooked Island, Bahamas, and 177 miles from Grand Turk Island. On July 18, 1965 debris from the plane was found on the beach of Gold Rock Cay just off the northeastern shore of Acklins Island.

1965December 6, Private ERCoupe F01 lost with pilot and one passenger, en route from Ft. Lauderdale to Grand Bahamas Island.

2005: June 20, A Piper-PA-23 disappeared between Treasure Cay island of Bahamas and Fort Pierce of Florida. There were three persons on board.

2007April 10, A Piper PA-46-310P disappeared near Berry Island after flying into a level 6 thunderstorm and losing altitude. Two fatalities were listed.

2017February 23, The Turkish Airlines flight TK183 (an Airbus A330-200) was forced to change its direction from Havana, Cuba to Washington Dulles airport after some mechanical and electrical problems occurred over the triangle.

2017May 15, A private MU-2B aircraft was at 24,000 feet when it vanished from radar and radio contact with air traffic controllers in Miami.

Sea incidents

1800: USS Pickering (1798), on course from Guadeloupe to Delaware, lost with 90 people on board. {Possibly lost in a gale}

1812: USS Patriot on its way from Charleston, South Carolina to New York City on December 30, 1812 {Possibly lost in a storm}

1814: USS Wasp (1814), last known position was the Caribbean, lost with 140 people on board. {Possibly lost in a storm}

1824: USS Wild Cat (1822), on course from Cuba to Tompkins Island, lost with 14 people on board. {Note lost in a Gale with 31 on board}

1840: Rosalie, found abandoned except for a canary. {Possibly the "Rossini" found derelict{?}

1918: USS Cyclops, collier, left Barbados on March 4, lost with all 306 crew and passengers en route to Baltimore, Maryland.

1921: January 31, Carroll A. Deering, five-masted schooner, Captain W. B. Wormell, found aground and abandoned at Diamond Shoals, near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

1925: 1 December, SS Cotopaxi, having departed Charleston, South Carolina two days earlier bound for Havana, Cuba, radioed a distress call reporting that the ship was sinking. She was officially listed as overdue on 31 December.

1941: USS Proteus (AC-9), lost with all 58 persons on board in heavy seas, having departed St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands with a cargo of bauxite on 23 November. The following month, her sister ship USS Nereus (AC-10) was lost with all 61 persons on board, having also departed St. Thomas with a cargo of bauxite, on 10 December. According to research by Rear Admiral George van Deurs, USN, who was familiar with this type of ship from their service in the USN, the acidic coal cargo would seriously erode the longitudinal support beams, making these aging and poorly constructed colliers extremely vulnerable to breaking up in heavy seas. They were both sister ships of the USS Cyclops.

1963: SS Marine Sulphur Queen, lost with 39 crewmen, having departed Beaumont, Texas, on 2 February with a cargo of 15,260 tons of sulphur. She was last heard from on 4 February, when she was in rough, nearly following seas of 16 feet, with northerly winds of 25–46 knots, and listed as missing two days later. The Coast Guard subsequently determined that the ship was unsafe and not seaworthy, and never should have sailed. The final report suggested four causes of the disaster, all due to poor design and maintenance of the ship.

2015: On late July, 2015, 2 14 year-old boys, Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen went on a fishing trip in their 19-foot boat. The boys disappeared on their way from Jupiter, Florida to the Bahamas. Despite the 15,000 square nautical mile wide search by US Coast Guard,[26] the pair's boat was found a year later off the coast of Bermuda. But the boys were never seen again.

2015: SS El Faro, sank off of the coast of the Bahamas within the triangle on October 1, 2015. The boat was missing for exactly one month until search crews identified the vessel 15,000 feet below the surface. Mysteriously, no crew members' bodies were found.
Incidents on land

Land incidents

1969: Great Isaac Lighthouse (Bimini, Bahamas) – its two keepers disappeared and were never found. (A hurricane passed through at the time of the disappearances).

Theories That Solve This Mystery ::--

1.) Rig Veda Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Rig Veda, Says that the planet mars was born out of the earth and that is the reason why it is called Bhauma(‘son of Bhumi’) or Kuja(Ku = Earth + Ja = Born out of) in the language of Sanskrit (Language of God)

Rig Veda State When the planet earth gave birth to the planet mars, mars separated from its mother, the thigh of the mother, and she got imbalanced and to stop this Aswini Kumar(Godly doctor) poured a lot of iron into this triangular injury and the earth fixed itself current position. That is why; the earth is slightly bent at the axis.

The triangular shaped Injury on the planet became the Bermuda triangle.The iron that is stored in the Bermuda triangle became the epicenter of loss and disappearances of ships.It is a strange phenomenon that both the earth and the Bermuda triangle are tilted at 23 and half degrees.

2.) Atharva Veda Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The Atharva Veda has a description of many types of gems described in it. One of the famous ones is the Darbha gem. The darbha gem is like a neutron star. And has very high density. In the same way, there is emission of high electromagnetic waves from the Darbha gem. This gem could potentially be a powerful weapon. According to the Atharva Veda, there is a Darbha gem inside the water which possess gravitational field and it stirs bodies that are coming near to it. It also releases high amount of energetic rays which can disturb any electronic device in functioning.

3.) Methane Gas Theory Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The methane gas theory was given in 1998 by Dr. Ben Clennell of Leads University, England. He stated that large amount of methane gas releases due to landslides under the water floors of ocean. And because of these landslides, related area gets converted into very low water density due to which the water crafts sink. And because of the high inflammable quality it is also explosive which may cause aircrafts to catch fire.

Many studies have been done on this subsequently and it has been found that there is large amount of methane hydrates in ocean in frozen condition at below zero temperature. And large amount of methane gas releases as the result of decomposition of these hydrates. Because of methane, water heats up which causes water crafts to sink due to less float-ability. The air-crafts also crash as methane causes saturated air atmosphere to get stormy.

Even this theory could not clearly define and justify the disappearance of water-crafts and air-crafts because methane reserves are situated at a big distance from Bermuda triangle but there not even a single case like this has happened. And for any ship to sink, it takes time, therefore meanwhile any message could be sent.

4.) Compass Variation Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The magnetic north and absolute geographical north has a variation. It means the north which is shown by a compass is not actual north which is North Pole. This variation is approx 1500 miles. If we keep follow the compass shown north, then we will be reaching Prince of Wales Island of Canada, which is about 1,500 miles away from the North Pole. It shows a 20-degree variation. So ships and other water-crafts make an adjustment to get the right direction. But in Bermuda triangle there is a place where these two become same. It means compass shows the direction as north is actual North Pole. And this compass variation causes a big problem to determine the actual direction which leads to an accident.

This theory was also unable to define the mystery of Bermuda Triangle completely, because there were many pilots and captains who were having in-depth knowledge of atmospheric conditions, directions and compass variation, even then they were trapped in Bermuda Triangle.

In our Knowledge this all was because bermuda triangle release a high amount of electromagnetic waves which lead to the disruption of compass needles.

5.) Electronic Fog: A Hutchison Effect Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

This theory was given by a Canadian scientist John Hutchison, who demonstrated an electromagnetic fog in his laboratory in 1979. He demonstrated it when different electromagnetic waves interplay with each-other. Which leads to some strange happening like objects rise in air, water swirling in a cup or some objects shooting in a high speed.

Electromagnetic field is generated by metallic wire's coils. When a current is passed through these wires, it generates electromagnetic current or field and this is called electromagnetism. Hutchison demonstrated this strange behavior of objects in electromagnetic field more than 750 times and proved that it is due to interplay of electromagnetic field. And said a strange brown colored fog is formed which leads to such occurrences.

Although this effect has been proven but still there is no exact prediction when it will occur, because in 99 percentage cases it didn't happen at all.

6.) The Sargasso Sea Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

The Sargasso Sea is located in North Atlantic which is 700 miles wide and 2000 miles long and has no shores. It is bounded by sea currents from all sides. This whole area is covered by long dense seaweeds on its surface which looks like a mat. Its name is Sargassum by which the ocean name is also derived from.

Bermuda is located on its western fringes. There are lots of mysterious incidents have been happening in this area since long time. In many cases the ships which were lost, were found floating here without a single soul on it. Many ships were lost while traveling from here and reappeared without any person.

7.) Strange Weather & Hurricanes Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Lots of storms are raised in Bermuda Triangle very often and very quickly. These storms are so quick that even a satellite doesn't predict such storms. And if a ship is moving through that area, there is always a chance to sink.

Hurricanes are also very powerful storms which rise from South Eastern Atlantic and pass through the Bermuda triangle. These hurricanes also cause loss and extreme damage in that particular area. Mostly these originate in the months of June to November.

8.) Supernatural Theories are also a things which Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

There are several stories related to Bermuda Triangle. The most popular story is the lost city of Atlantis. Some people believe that there used to be a city named Atlantis which is now under water. There are rock formations near Biminis Island near the Bahamas. These rock formations are well arranged and look like man made road and walls. They say that Atlantis is dependent upon a powerful energy crystal which produces large amount of energy and navigates the ships near to the area. And sometimes it destroys them because of excess amount of energy.

Some other supernatural stories are related to aliens. People believe that ships and aircrafts are trapped by aliens, who often come there by UFOs. But it still remains to be proved.

9.) Skeptics Theory also Reveals Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Like every other controversial topic, Bermuda Triangle also debated by some other views. Critics believe that there is nothing uncommon here. It is a vast area and the main area to connect the Europe, Caribbean Islands & US Coast. They say that authors wrote many fake and imaginary stories to get easy publicity and media supports them because such kinds of books are highly demanded in the market. As this area is very much affected by Hurricanes, it is very common to meet with such accidents.


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